Student and teacher working on a car

Teacher Appreciation Week honors those who have dedicated their lives to education. We are showing appreciation for our high school teachers!

Auburn High School

Kyle Owen

"He has changed my life. He really fosters my creativity and helps me through my problems."

-submitted by Jonathan Laprade

Maureen Werner

"For taking her time during class, after school at round table, and during lunch when necessary. She went out of her way to help me in integrated math. I dreaded math, but she made it easier. I didn't want to stay after school, but with her, I look forward to round table. She is a teacher I will always remember."

-submitted by Kamiya Williams

East High School

Alexandra Baxter

"There are many things to mention about Mrs. Baxter. She's an amazing teacher and is very effective at helping students learn and grow. She takes great pride in her work and works with students diligently. Even when students make it difficult or are refusing to work she doesn't give up on them, but pursues them and doesn't let them fall behind. On top of that she's an amazing person. She takes time to grow relationships with students and make them feel connected. She always treats students with love and respect no matter what they respond with. Moreover she is like a mother figure to students. Teaching students and preparing them for future life difficulties. She's someone students can always turn to when seeking help and guidance."

-submitted by Jeffry Vazquez

Janiece Gehrke

"Ms. Gehrke has gone above and beyond to help my child succeed. Without her I donā€™t not think my child would be as far along as they are. She has taken the time to get to know my child and has built a relationship where my child trusts her and wants to work towards their goals. In the past, other teachers have just viewed my child as lazy, but that is not the case and Ms. Gehrke understands that every child is unique and requires to be approached as such. Thank you for going above and beyond and making sure every child has a trusted adult they can go to in the school. You are a true Rockstar!"

-submitted by Kristina Hitzke

Richard Hacker

"Thank you for being there for me! You are the main reason why I still have a passion for art. Also being yourself, you were apart of the friend group! Miss you bunches."

-submitted by Alexis Powell

Lisset Manriquez-Hernandez

"She takes time to get to know us, understand us, and help us learn. She cares about teaching and her students, it truly shows. I can be having the worst day and just walking into her class and the environment will bring me joy. There is not a day in that classroom that I do not enjoy."

-submitted by Katy Drake 

Guilford High School

Kelsey Blomberg

"I want to thank her because she always is there to help me with my work and she's always there for me when I need it."

-submitted by Anna Maldonado

Jefferson High School

Mike Rutlin

"When I was a freshman girl, Mr. Rutlin always made me feel empowered for being in his automotive class. He made me realize that being a woman does not make me less than any other guy in his class. I decided to pursue teaching because of how he impacted my life in just a few short years! I discovered a new love in cars and through out my college life, every time I was asked "why do you want to be a teacher?" Mr. Rutlin is the first person who comes to mind. Thank you for always showing a true passion for teaching and wanting to educate us!"

-submitted by Aida Hernandez

Erica Teller

"Mrs. Teller is an amazing teacher. She is supportive and is amazing at teaching, she is so patient and sweet! I appreciate her so much because she has helped me learn a lot, especially as a first-year high school teacher who transitioned from elementary school."

-submitted by Liliana Medina